Learning Modules FAQ

What is a learning module?

A learning module is a collection of 3-5 related learning outcomes. A learning outcome is a skill that we want to see you master.

The activities and exams are each connected to one or more learning outcomes. When you complete an assessment you get credit for the corresponding outcome. Once you have completed all the outcomes for a learning module you have completed the learning module.

The number of learning modules you complete determines your grade.

How do I turn in a learning module? When are they due?

You don't turn them in directly. You will complete these as you do the homeworks and exams.

How can I keep track of which learning modules I need to do?

We will keep a Learning Module Map for you to reference which assignments are tied to the learning modules.

After each assignment comes due we will post a report in your repository indicating your progress.

What does the report look like?

It will look something like this:

Learning Module Report

Module Outcome Status
1. Recursion COMPLETE
3. Higher order functions PENDING

If a module is complete or unstarted, we will omit the objectives to save space. In this report LM 1 is completed, LM 2 is half done, and LM 3 is not started.

How can I be sure I get everything I need for each learning module?

Each time we release an assignment we will indicate which learning outcome(s) it fullfils.

We guarantee that the assignments and exams will cover all of the learning modules.

I have to get a problem perfectly right to get credit on it. That's so stressful!

It doesn't have to be. The homeworks allow you multiple submissions, and even the exam problems allow multiple attempts. There are second-chance midterms as well.

The final exam will repeat everything; if you have already fulfilled enough learning modules to get the grade you want, you don't have to take it.
