Learning Module 20 — Metaprogramming and Macros

Why this is important: The third project I would not like to leave unmentioned is LISP, a fascinating enterprise of a completely different nature. With a few very basic principles at its foundation, it has shown a remarkable stability. Besides that, LISP has been the carrier for a considerable number of in a sense our most sophisticated computer applications. LISP has jokingly been described as “the most intelligent way to misuse a computer”. I think that description a great compliment because it transmits the full flavour of liberation: it has assisted a number of our most gifted fellow humans in thinking previously impossible thoughts.


  • 20.1 – Write a program that generates and prints the source code to another program. (10 points)
  • 20.2 – Implement a macro system in an interpreter. (10 points) (MP 5 will satisfy this criterea.)

Mastery Criterea

  • Score 10 of the 20 available points.