Getting Haskell

Getting Haskell

In order to use Haskell on your own machine, you need to install a program called stack. This is the package manager and build system for Haskell, similar to npm for Node and maven for Java.

You can install stack from the official website but there is an installer called GHCup that will automate a lot of this for you.

You can get GHCup here. You should install stack, ghc, cabal, and HLS (this will connect to your editor and make things easier.

If you are on Linux, you might also be able to do this with your package manager.

Mac M1

There have been problems recently installing it on the newer Mac M1s. One of the students (Yuhan Lu) found a workaround and got it working.

#+begin_quote Install the ~x86_64~ based Homebrew instead of ~ARM~, and use ~x86_64 brew~ to install ~stack~. You could follow the steps here #+end_quote

Configuring Your Editor

Your editor is the most important tool you will use on a computer. Mastering a good editor can make a world of difference in your productivity as a programmer.

If you like vscode, this blog post is helpful.
